Six new companies join Fysios physiotherapy chain

Wednesday 11.11.2015

Imatra, Lappeenranta, Raasepori and Seinäjoki are the new cities to join Fysios chain. Oulu and Joensuu will add new places of business to Fysios. After the acquisition which took place on 11th November Fysios will now have 34 places of business in 18 different cities. The chain was established in spring 2015. The amount of employees will grow to over two hundred and the net revenue to almost 15 million euros. Biggest owner of the chain is Finnish private equity firm called Vaaka Partners. Fysios focuses especially on preventive physiotherapy. The aim is to give more healthy days to 500 000 Finns by year 2020.

Companies to join Fysios in the new cities are Manuaalinen Terapia Oy in Imatra, Lappeenrannan Kuntoutus Oy in Lappeenranta, Länsi-Uudenmaan Fysioterapia Oy in Raasepori and OMT-fysioterapia Saukko in Seinäjoki. In Oulu the new company to join Fysios is Fysiopalvelu Knuuttila & Sarias Oy and in Joensuu FysioFix Tmi. The participation of Länsi-Uudenmaan Fysioterapia and FysioFix still requires the approval of official permits. Entrepreneurs joining the chain become shareholders in Fysios. The managers of Fysios are founding partners Heikki Tiitinen and Pasi Syrjä.

Every third sick leave is caused by neck and back problems

According to Statistics Finland there are currently 2.4 million employed people in Finland. Statistically an employee is absent from work due to sickness 12.7 days in a year on average. On annual level this means altogether 28 million sick days. Even today there are about 127 000 people who are forced to stay at home due to sickness. One third of them, meaning about 42 000 people, are absent from work because of illnesses related to human musculoskeletal system. These illnesses are also the biggest cause for disability pensions.

The aim of Fysios chain is to strongly develop the entire line of business. In addition to rehabilitation services they focus on preventive physiotherapy.

– One third of sick days leading to absence from work are caused by an illness related to human musculoskeletal system. Even this morning about 42 000 Finnish employees are forced to stay at home. The amount equals the entire population of Hyvinkää. Problems in the back and neck area are most common. This causes discomfort to tens of thousands of people, and it also costs a lot to the society and the employers, remarks founding partner Pasi Syrjä from Fysios.

Healing regresses between physiotherapy sessions

Forethought, early recognition of problems and rehabilitation are important factors for wellbeing at work and the length of working career. Often the Achilles’ heel of rehabilitation is that the healing process regresses between physiotherapy sessions. At Fysios this problem is being solved by developing an eHealth service which will bring a physiotherapist available right there where people are doing their exercises.

– It is sad how often the rehabilitating exercises prescribed for home are left undone. If this happens, the recovery will slow down or regress between physiotherapy sessions. Our service extends to homes. We make sure that the home exercises will surely be done. We have several methods for motivating our clients, especially with eHealth technology, Syrjä explains.
Fysios develops the entire physiotherapy line of business

Medical clinics and other healthcare companies have grown and developed by creating chains. Physiotherapy as a line of business has previously been left outside this trend.

Offering versatile, high-quality services which utilize the latest research knowledge demands active training of the personnel. However, the resources of small, entrepreneur driven physiotherapy companies are limited. Joining a national physiotherapy chain brings them more resources. Synergy benefits include common administration, possibility to arrange common training and to offer better visibility among clients.

– For a small company training is often too big an investment. If the courses are not available in your own city the costs might climb up to thousands of euros. We want to make sure that training and professional development are not overshadowed by lack of time or money, Syrjä states.

Additional information:

Pasi Syrjä,
 Founding partner, Fysios,
Tel. +358 50 568 1575, pasi.syrja(a)

Antti Salmela,
 Vaaka Partners,
Tel. +358 50 540 4640, antti.salmela(a)

Fysios is a new domestic, national physiotherapy chain. It has places of business in Hailuoto, Helsinki, Espoo, Ilmajoki, Imatra, Joensuu, Kauniainen, Lappeenranta, Lahti, Lempäälä, Nokia, Oulu, Seinäjoki, Tampere, Turku, Vaasa, Valkeakoski and Vantaa. Fysios employs over 200 professional physiotherapists. For more information:

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